Common Skeletal Problems in Broiler Breeding





A high portion of the protein need in human nutrition is met by white meat production. It is preferred for reasons such as high red meat prices, low fat level, easy access to white meat and cheap prices. A large part of white meat production is met by broiler chicken breeding which is grown intensively. As a result of intensive selection and genetic studies in commercial broiler breeding, hybrids with a slaughter weight of 42 days and 2500 g slaughter weight were obtained. As a result of this selection made as a result of various needs, the desired yield level has been achieved and rapid growth has been achieved in chickens due to intensive feeding. As a result of rapid growth, problems such as foot problems, feed eating disorder, gait disorder, difficulty in meeting water requirements are encountered in broilers. The most common problem encountered in foot problems is TD, Valgus-varus deformation. As a result of these problems, conditions such as decrease in carcass quality, decrease in live weight loss and decrease in welfare level are observed. This study focuses on the skeletal structure and the problems that arise due to intensive feeding, its effect on health protection, its effect on stress factors, and aims to contribute to the industry and the research that can be done by utilizing the important findings obtained from the existing literature and these findings.



How to Cite

Çimen, Ömer, Boga, Y. E., & Gümüstaş, Y. (2024). Common Skeletal Problems in Broiler Breeding. 7th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Kastamonu/Türkiye, 517–520. from